SOLD OUT : I'm sorry to say that I have now sold out of 2013 Calendars. Due to an offer from the printers I had to commit to the number of copies before the end of October and so couldn't risk ordering too many. A subsequent, but not quite as good, offer meant I was able to order more after the initial batch had sold out but it meant those were sold at below cost.
As the printer's latest offer has now expired I will not be able to get any more before February so this is a good time to make the cutoff.
Thank you to everyone that purchased a calendar and has had nice words to say about them. I hope you enjoy them throughout the year.
If you missed out on getting a calendar, or even if you did, follow ZiPP on facebook and you will get each week's photo posted every Monday and also access to with other candid photos that don't appear here and more updates.
Thanks again