After Prescott, and despite only being 6 points ahead of Trevor Willis on total score, Scott Moran has taken a commanding lead in the championship due to Trevor now starting to have scores to drop. A 5th place or higher in any of the remaining 4 rounds will secure the title for Scott. For every point less than 44 (4 * records) that Trevor scores Scott can finish a place lower and still claim the title. E.g. if Trevor finishes 2nd in a runoff, so reducing his possible total by 2 points, Scott then only needs one finish of 7th or above.
This means the title is very likely to be decided at Doune this year.
Wallace Menzies failed to secure number 3 at Prescott but should do that at Doune. Roger Moran is the only person that can catch him but would need to get at least two hill records to close the gap.
Alex Summers, is still currently in 5th, but has closed the gap to Roger Moran down to 5 points after dropped scores. Roger needs to score at least 13 points more than Alex at Doune to secure the number 4, otherwise that battle will be decided at Loton.
Will Hall (6th) extended his lead over John Bradburn (7th) to 6 points after Prescott. Will needs to score 9 points more than John at Doune to secure his place - an 8 point difference will do if Will fails to score in one round.
Jos Goodyear looks to be safe in 8th, though he has a chance of moving up or down. He would need to score 8 points more than John at Doune to keep a chance of getting 7th and Tom would have to score 6 points more, or Deryk 7 points more, than him to keep an option of getting 8th.
Tom New passed Deryk Young to move into 9th at Prescott. The two are now separated by a single point in the fight to get the last single digit number.
Below 10th there are a number of drivers that could still make it in and claim a number for next year but I expect Tom and Deryk to score at a rate that keeps them at bay.
After Doune I expect to see the top 10 looking like: -
1 Scott Moran (final)
2 Trevor Willis (final)
3 Wallace Menzies (final)
4 Roger Moran
5 Alex Summers
6 Will Hall
7 John Bradburn
8 Jos Goodyear (final - probably)
9 Tom New
10 Deryk Young
with the 4/5, 6/7 & 9/10 battles being left to be decided at Loton Park.
In other news, quite a few people are starting to ask about CD's and calendars again. I currently have a huge backlog of images to sort out but will be doing CDs later in the year and will do calendars if I can get a good price on getting them printed. The company I have used in the past produce a great product but their standard price is almost £20 each, before any markup, and I don't think they are worth that much. I will post an update here when I find out more.